Rants & Epiphanies
“Wisdom that will bless I, who live in the spiral joy born at the utter end of a black prayer.” • — Keiji Haino
“The subject of human creativity is not an ethnic-centric, but a composite subject.” • — Anthony Braxton
“… It is not my mode of thought that has caused my misfortunes, but the mode of thought of others.” • — The Marquis de Sade

Saturday, June 18, 2011

It Does Not support Flash, He Said.

He said, it does not support Flash.
Well, he reviews ( so to speak ) technology for RTP ( a portuguese TV ). Pairing an inferior Acer's tablet, which he called a Revolution, apparently because you can detach the keyboard ( go figure ) with iPad, did not inform his spectators that Flash is still a Beta, neither show it working with what he called an open OS ( again, he reviews tech ).
Yes, only Apple detractors think Android is open.

But TV is full of ignorant ( bare with me that being ignorant IS a choice we make, NOT the outcome of any kind of design ) heads.

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