Rants & Epiphanies
“Wisdom that will bless I, who live in the spiral joy born at the utter end of a black prayer.” • — Keiji Haino
“The subject of human creativity is not an ethnic-centric, but a composite subject.” • — Anthony Braxton
“… It is not my mode of thought that has caused my misfortunes, but the mode of thought of others.” • — The Marquis de Sade

Friday, June 14, 2013

Color Me Intrigued

Peter Alguacil on iOS 7

while the whole interface has depth and layers, there is no sign of that very common visual cue for depth: shadows.

and it isn’t about iOS “going flat.” My impression of the illumination metaphor (for lack of a better word) in iOS 7 is that the whole user interface is backlit, just like the physical device screen is. Hence, no shadows.

… In short, the interfaces from yesteryear have not acknowledged that the true light source of those pixels come from the back, not the front.

… Apple is treating iOS 7 as a more integral part of the device itself.

via loopInsightDOTcom

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