Rants & Epiphanies
“Wisdom that will bless I, who live in the spiral joy born at the utter end of a black prayer.” • — Keiji Haino
“The subject of human creativity is not an ethnic-centric, but a composite subject.” • — Anthony Braxton
“… It is not my mode of thought that has caused my misfortunes, but the mode of thought of others.” • — The Marquis de Sade

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Remember: ISIS Is A Creation Of the USA and Israel

"Are so-called Jihadi groups actually Western mercenaries operating under the auspices of Intelligence services? The evidence suggests yes. From the Sahel to the Middle East, Africa, and beyond, the West's history of colonization, exploitation, and destabilization is well-documented. Yet, we're told to believe that Western military presence is for our protection. But what's the real motive?

From entrapment and manufactured terror to fueling violence and division, we examine the tactics used to maintain control and exploit resources.

It's time to stop pretending that the West's intentions are pure. It's time to acknowledge the history of colonization and the ongoing struggle for sovereignty and self-determination. Join us as we shed light on the dark reality of Western intervention and demand a more equitable and respectful approach to international relations."

Remember all the so-called "anti-communist" movements in Africa, who funded them?

The tricks used to assassinate my character in Portugal are a heritage of colonialism, fascism and racism.

A barriga e a memória…




Another Genocide sponsored by so-called civilised folks in the West!!!

Same Trick:

Racists in the USA uses Asians journalists to badmouth China


The USA does not win wars (China beat the USA in Korea). It causes havoc and kill people…



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