Rants & Epiphanies
“Wisdom that will bless I, who live in the spiral joy born at the utter end of a black prayer.” • — Keiji Haino
“The subject of human creativity is not an ethnic-centric, but a composite subject.” • — Anthony Braxton
“… It is not my mode of thought that has caused my misfortunes, but the mode of thought of others.” • — The Marquis de Sade

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Food For Thought - A Bozo

Eric Jackson:

A bozo is someone who thinks they are much smarter and capable than they actually are. They constantly over-estimate their abilities and under-estimate the risks and threats around them. They typically don’t keep an open-mind. They look instead for data that confirms a previously held bias. …

via DaringFireball

I’ll add that a bozo fears demonstrating that he/she doesn’t know, even the most trivial of things. Because for a bozo, any information, any data gathered = intelligence.
But as Einstein demonstrated - Imagination is more important than knowledge. Which means imagination leads to/is the road to knowledge.

One thing positive about bozos is that they strip off their mask around people they think are below ( i mean literally ) them. And that’s a threshold i like to explore.
If you care deeply about human condition, a bozo is a great subject of study.

Any human being is a complexity in constant flux, so do not pin them down as they do you.

Being myself an African ( you know what i mean ), born and raise, makes me a magnet for them to shine.
… And i like it.

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